Set hourly rates and calculate earnings, costs, and profit.
![Marking time entries and tasks as billable](png/feature-rates-billable-time.png)
Mark as billable
Choose what time entries are billable.
![Detailed report showing profits](png/feature-rates-billable-rates.png)
Billable rates
Apply billable rates to billable time entries to see what you bill your clients.
![Setting up team's billable and cost rates](png/feature-rates-cost-rates.png)
Cost rates
Apply cost rates to all time entries to see what you pay your team.
![Applying new billable rate to past, present, or future time entries](png/feature-rates-historic-rates.png)
Historic rates
Preserve old rates and apply a new rate only to new entries going forward.
![Setting different currency](png/feature-rates-currency.png)
Multiple currencies
Set your currency and export reports.
![Calculated earnings, costs, and profit](png/feature-rates-profit.png)
Compare earnings vs labor costs.
Billable by default
Control which projects and tasks are billable.
![Setting up projects as billable by default](png/feature-rates-billable-by-default.png)
![Permissions on who can see or edit billable status](png/feature-rates-permissions.png)
Control who can see rates and change status.
See billable vs non-billable time across dates.
![Dashboard chart showing percentage and amount of billable and non-billable entries](png/feature-rates-dashboard.png)
Multiple Hourly Rates
Define rates for projects, tasks, and employees.
1. Workspace rate
Default rate for all time entries.
![Workspace billable rate](png/feature-rates-workspace-rate.png)
2. Member rate
Specific rate for each user.
![Member billable rate](png/feature-rates-member-rate.png)
3. Project rate
Specific rate for each project.
![Project billable rate](png/feature-rates-project-rate.png)
4. Task rate
Specific rate for each task on a project.
![Task billable rate](png/feature-rates-task-rate.png)
5. Project’s member rate
Specific rate for a person on a particular project.
![Project's member billable rate](png/feature-rates-project-member-rate.png)
More features
Cost tracking
Understand how many hours go into each job and calculate labor costs.
Quickly create invoices from tracked time.
QuickBooks integration
Get timesheet report and send it to QuickBooks for further processing.
Submit, review and approve timesheets on tracked activities.
Schedule work, assignments and tasks across teams.
Choose what activities are billable and which are non-billable.