The most popular punch clock for employees

Track work hours, attendance, and breaks. Let employees clock in and out from a shared phone or tablet. Export timesheets for payroll and control labor costs.

Number of people that started tracking time with Clockify in the last 7 days

Over 260,000 companies use Clockify to track time and improve productivity
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Clockify punch clock kiosk

With Clockify, you can turn any internet-connected device into a punch clock from which employees can clock-in and clock-out with just one button. No need to buy any additional equipment.

All you have to do is create a kiosk for each location, and open the link to it on a device (like your tablet or phone), and employees can then clock in and track their shifts.

Super simple and efficient kiosk

Works anywhere

No special equipment needed. Works on any internet-connected device.

Quick setup

No installation required. Setup takes less than a minute.

Always reliable

No hardware issues, maintenance, or troubleshooting. It just works.

Low cost

Get started for free. Upgrades start from $0.99 per user.

Easy to use

Clock in and out in a couple of steps. No training required.

24/7 support

Contact us via email, chat, or phone. Response within 1h.

How punch clock works

Step 1

Create Clockify account

Sign up

Step 2

Invite your team

Add people as limited members so they can clock in and out via kiosk. Or, add them as full members if they need to access reports or track their time personally via an app.

Invite members
Step 3

Create kiosk

Name your kiosk, assign people to it, and enable PIN sign in.

Create time clock kiosk
Step 4

Open kiosk

You can set up a kiosk on any device by opening the link to it in a browser.

Open time clock kiosk via link
Step 5

Sign in

Select your profile and enter your personal PIN.

Sign in for employess
Step 6

Punch in

Start your work shift and clock in with one button.

Sign in for employess
Step 7

Start break

While clocked in, start a break. Later, finish the break to clock in again.

Track breaks
Step 8

Switch jobs

Switch jobs or projects you are working on.

Switching projects
Step 9

Punch out

Finish your shift and clock out with one button.

Clock out for employess
Step 10

See activity

See who's currently clocked in, what people worked on, and when was their last activity.

Dashboard with employee activity
Step 11

Schedule work

See who's available, plan who works on what and when, and publish the schedule.

Schedule employees and manage capacity
Step 12

Export report

See attendance by day, who clocked in and when, filter data, and export timesheets for payroll.

Download PDF samples: SummaryDetailedWeekly

Weekly report shows you how much everyone in your team worked and their attendance
Used by teams at HPE, American Express, Microsoft, Amazon, and more Average 4.7/5 rating on Capterra

4.7 (4,492 reviews)