Employee Monitoring Software

Clockify is a work and employee monitoring software that lets you see how your team spends time across tasks and projects.

Number of people that started tracking time with Clockify in the last 7 days

Over 260,000 companies use Clockify to track time and improve productivity
Employee monitoring software - Clockify screenshot
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How employee monitoring works

Step 1

Create Clockify account

Sign up here for free

Step 2

Invite your team

You can invite an unlimited number of people, for free.

Step 3

Employees start/stop timer via app

Your team starts a timer when they start working (via web, desktop, and mobile app) and stop when they're finished. Chrome extension also comes with idle detection so you can discard inactive time from your timesheet.

Employees track time using a timer
Step 4

See who works on what in real time

Team Dashboard shows you who currently works on what (their running timer), when was their last activity, and see a visual breakdown of their workweek.

Employee attendance and activity
Step 5

Review screenshots

Enable optional screenshots and desktop will take a screenshot every 5 minutes. Later you can see how your day looked like and create more accurate timesheets.

Screenshots of active hours for employee monitoring
Step 6

See visited job sites

Enable GPS tracking and see all visited client job sites throughout the day by your remote field crew when they clock in via the mobile app.

Visited job sites via GPS location
Step 7

Check employee hours in reports

Weekly report helps see who logged how much time each day in the week. You can drill down into the data using filters and export as PDF, CSV, and Excel.

Weekly report shows you how much everyone in your team worked and their attendance
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4.7 (4,492 reviews)