Basecamp Time Tracking Integration
Track time on to-dos right from Basecamp with just one click. Later, run time reports in Clockify, the most popular free time tracking app.
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![Basecamp time tracking integration screenshot](png/basecamp-time-tracking-integration.png)
How to track time in Basecamp
Step 3
Start timer inside Basecamp
Clockify timer button will automatically appear in all Basecamp to-dos.
![Basecamp time tracking - timer appears in Basecamp to-dos](png/basecamp-time-tracking-integration-timer.png)
Step 4
Timer starts ticking
Clockify will pick up Basecamp's to-do name and the timer will start ticking. You can stop the timer from anywhere (browser, mobile, or desktop).
![Basecamp time tracking - timer starts ticking](png/basecamp-integration-timer-ticking.png)
Step 5
Sync projects
If there's a project in Clockify that matches the Basecamp project, the extension will automatically select the project when you start tracking time so you don't have to do it manually.
Step 6
Run time reports and manage projects
In the web version, you can edit past entries, analyze time, manage projects, invite people, review timesheets, and export reports.
![Web version of Clockify app](png/feature-works-everywhere-reports.png)