Best productivity podcasts and YouTube channels (2021)
Last updated on: December 23, 2021
According to recent research, there are over 1,750,000 active podcasts today, with 43 million episodes as of January 2021 – so it’s hard to pick the best ones to listen to during your daily commutes.

In order to help you make your picks, here are the best of the best of available podcasts and YouTube channels covering the field of productivity, grouped by type:
Table of Contents
One-on-one interviews
The Tim Ferriss Show: Growth-hacking Podcast

Host(s): Tim Ferriss
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: One-on-one interviews
Number of episodes: 450+
One of the best episodes: The Interview with Jerry Seinfeld
The Tim Ferriss show is a podcast of the American entrepreneur and author of several self-help books, including the 4-Hour Workweek. The podcast involves interviews with top performers in any field, from entertainment to investment. In each episode, Ferriss scrutinizes the tools, routines, habits, and tactics famous professionals used to reach success.
Past interviews include highlights such as:
- Ray Dalio
- LeBron James
- Edward Norton
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Jerry Seinfeld
- Maria Sharapova
There’s even a book, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers, that groups and explains the best advice given by the interviewees in the podcasts.
In the standout episode with Jerry Seinfeld, Tim Ferriss picks the iconic comedian’s brain for his comedy routines, road to success, and advice on managing multiple projects.
The Art of Manliness podcast

Host(s): Brett McKay
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.7
Type of podcast: One-on-one interviews
Number of episodes: 680+
One of the best episodes: THe Value of Learning New Skills in Adulthood, with Tom Vanderbilt
The Art of Manliness is another versatile podcast that covers various topics. In each episode, Brett McKay (the founder of the blog The Art of Manliness) helms interviews with leading experts on a topic – anything from Norse mythology to 1,000 books to read before you die.
In general, you’ll find fun and informative insights on:
- myths
- philosophy
- various how-to-guides
- leadership lessons
- popular questions
You’ll also find answers to some unusual topics, such as why wasting time may be good for you, and what you can learn from the Spartan regime (if you dare).
Among the more relatable, everyday episodes, there’s the one with Tom Vanderbilt, the author of a wholesome, optimistic book Beginners: The Joy and Transformative Power of Lifelong Learning. Throughout the episode, Vanderbilt discusses when and why adults give up learning new skills, and from his own experience, teaches us how to embrace being absolute beginners at something new.
Beyond the To-Do List

Host(s): Erik Fisher
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.4
Type of podcast: One-on-one interviews
Number of episodes: 350+
One of the best episodes Finishing, Fighting Perfectionism and Completing Your Goals
Beyond the To-Do List helps you make the most of your goals and tasks in everyday life – the host Eric Fisher interviews real people on the matter and talks about the best, most productive ways to perform quality work.
In essence, each episode scrutinizes a simple concept like strategy, focus, projects, rest, studying, busyness – and offers expert insights on these topics.
Among other great things, you’ll learn:
- the true meaning of productivity
- how to practice digital minimalism
- how to overcome stress
- how to battle being overwhelmed
The episode with Jon Acuff (Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done) is especially useful in times like these. Fisher and Acuff discuss how to set realistic goals, and stop chasing perfectionism.
The School of Greatness

Host(s): Lewis Howes
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: One-on-one interviews
Number of episodes: 1000+
One of the best episodes: How to Attract Success, Destroy Laziness & Achieve Optimal Performance (with former Navy SEAL Officer Rich Diviney)
The School of Greatness podcast is hosted by Lewis Howes, and has been on air since 2013. With over 1000 episodes, the podcast covers topics such as motivation, physical and mental health, money, inspiration, etc.
Howes brings in many famous guests and experts to help you learn how to exercise patience, improve your health, use your mind to its full potential, daily routines, and more. Heavily leaning towards proactivity rather than just discussions, The School of Greatness offers practical advice on what to do to make a more productive, fulfilling life for yourself.
You’ll learn:
- how to find the best morning and evening routines for yourself
- how to rewire your brain for best performance
- how to approach your mental health hurdles and solutions
- financial independence and success
- from CIA agents, former navy seals, scientists, billionaires, etc.
The episode with Officer Rich Diviney is especially interesting, as we don’t often have a chance to learn from someone with 20 years of experience in the military. They talk about leadership, the difference between self-discipline and discipline, and optimal performance.
Entrepreneurs on Fire

Host(s): John Lee Dumas
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: One-on-one interviews
Number of episodes: 2100+
One of the best episodes: Tony Robbins: Master the Money
In Entrepreneurs on Fire, John Lee Dumas conducts interviews with some of the leading men and women in business.
Episodes cover topics such as:
- jumpstarting your goals
- going after your dreams
- giving a sensational presentation
- reducing your work hours (by making fewer hours more effective)
One of the highlight episodes revolves around Tony Robbins – it offers insights in his worst entrepreneurial moments and his eureka revelations that convinced him he was on the road to success.
Repurposed Content
TED radio hour

Host(s): Guy Raz
iTunes rating: ★★★★★ 4.3
Type of podcast: Repurposed content
Number of episodes: 150+
One of the best episodes: Failure is an Option
The TED Radio Hour explores a variety of topics, from new ideas and recent inventions to original solutions and common problems – with journalist Guy Raz as the host.
The concept of the podcast is simple – about 3-4 experts in a subject offer their own insights that may lead the conversation to unexpected roads and uncharted territories.
The topics are truly varied, and range from racism and how a bias changes our perception, to Mars colonization ideas and popular misconceptions debunked.
The standout episode, Failure is an Option, explains how failure can make us smarter and stronger, and more likely to learn how to reach success.
Extreme Productivity with Kevin Kruse

Host(s): Kevin Kruse
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: Repurposed content
Number of episodes: 50+
One of the best episodes: A Lesson in Minimalism From The Dalai Lama
Extreme Productivity is a collection of time management tips and tricks – Kevin Kruse, a serial entrepreneur and book author, shares applicable advice from successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and excellent students. There’s an occasional interview, and answers to some pressing technology questions.
Specifically, the episodes deal with:
- the importance of having a hobby
- scheduling long-term goals
- prioritizing
- managing time
You also gain insight into the best ways to carry out side-hustles, the 5 mistakes people usually make in meetings, and how to simply say “No”.
A Lesson in Minimalism From the Dalai Lama helps you apply the Dalai Lama’s life principles on your everyday work – perfect for anyone who doesn’t know how to deal with clutter in business.
Lead to Win with Michael Hyatt

Host(s): Michael Hyatt and Megan Guatt Miller
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.9
Type of podcast: Repurposed content
Number of episodes: 190+
One of the best episodes How to Take Care of Your Team Right Now
Lead to Win has New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt (and Megan Hyatt Miller) offer advice on your road to both personal and business success.
In general, the podcast deals with productivity and development on the personal plan, as well as leadership qualities you need to have to help yourself (and your team) succeed.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- how to deal with distractions
- how to cultivate a healthy business
- how your own personality can lead you to, well, win
In How to Take Care of Your Team, Michael and Megan discuss motivation in an ongoing pandemic, remote work and fear, as well as extrprioritizing and practicing greater empathy as business owners.
Panel Discussions
Masters of Scale

Host(s): Reid Hoffman and Bob Safian
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.6
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 150+
One of the best episodes: A Virtual-First Workplace
Masters of Scale is helmed by the co-founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman – in each episode, he hosts successful entrepreneurs who help get to the bottom of how to develop, maintain, and expand a successful business.
The podcast promises to commit to a gender balance when it comes to guests, and delivers on that promise – so far, Hoffman has interviewed Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Sara Blakely, Sheryl Sandberg, and many other inspiring business people.
And, there are regular cameos from other entrepreneurs who join in the discussion – so, you’ll have a chance to enjoy fairly regular cameos from Bill Gates, Margaret Heffernan, Brian Chesky, and the like.
A Virtual-First Workplace episode is a great one. Dropbox’s CEO Drew Houston is a guest on the panel, as they take a look at how the pandemic shifted working life in 2020, the all new-challenges, and how we can get the best out of working remotely.
Smart Passive Income

Host(s): Pat Flynn
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 460+
One of the best episodes: SEO simplified – with Tim from Ahrefs
The Smart Passive Income podcast is an extension of the Smart Passive Income blog by Pat Flynn – here, Flynn talks about every marketing tip and strategy you need to know to start and maintain an online business and/or blog.
The topics covered are select but multipurpose – you’ll learn more about:
- outsourcing
- crowdsourcing
- Social Media
- other podcasts
- niche sites
- and affiliate marketing, among other ways to sustain a passive income
The highlight episode features Tim Soulo from Ahrefs – he reveals select tips and tricks on how to plan and implement an effective SEO strategy, including insights on keyword research, SEO competition, and content planning.
Simplify from Blinkist

Host(s): Ben Schuman-Stoler and Caitlin Schiller
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.7
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 40+
One of the best episodes: David Allen: Your Brain is Not a Hard Drive
Simplify offers an alternative way to tackle your problems with habits, happiness, health, and thought.
Ben Schuman-Stoler and Caitlin Schiller walk you through these solutions with renewed guests, such as David Allen, Gretchen Rubin, Rebecca Traister, Dan Ariely, Sarah Knight, and many more.
Specific topics include insights into how to:
- maximize your impact
- create your own food rules
- speak the uncomfortable truth
- start your day right
- read smarter
The episode that you should check out is the one with David Allen, the originator of the concept of Getting Things Done, where he explains why our brains aren’t wired as hard drives.
The Upgrade (by Lifehacker)

Host(s): Alice Bradley and Jordan Calhoun
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 290+
One of the best episodes: How to Get a New Job in 2021, with Ramit Sethi
The Upgrade by Lifehacker features two hosts who bring in guests to talk about topics that help “upgrade” your life – you get tips, tricks, and hacks on a variety of different subjects.
You’ll learn:
- how to be happy and mindful
- how to improve your money management
- how science explains why some people are constantly anxious
- how to be more productive as a writer
You’ll also get to enjoy comedic takes on topics such as how to fail (explained by comedians).
In the highlighted episode, the hosts talk with personal finance expert Ramit Sethi about landing a job in 2021, given the state of the economy and the job market. There are tips on writing CVs, to how to prepare for interviews and negotiate prices.
The Mike Dillard Show

Host(s): Mike Dillard
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.7
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 100+
One of the best episodes: How To Dominate By Doing LESS, with Perry Marshall
Formerly known as the Self-Made Man podcast, The Mike Dillard Show provides insights into the best ways to improve various aspects of your life – business, relationships, finance, and health, are the topics frequently covered.
Each episode features experts in a field who offer mentorship advice on subjects such as:
- creating tax-free wealth
- why it’s important to be different
- cryptocurrency
- how to bounce back after bankruptcy
- multi-million dollar industry secrets
- how to master influencer marketing
The episode with Perry Marshall is a well of resources for any up-and-coming entrepreneur. He delivers some harsh truths and eye-opening takes on how the industry works today.
a16z Podcast

Produced by: Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 250+
One of the best episodes: Talent, Tech Trends, and Culture — With Ben, Mark, and Tyler Cowen
a16z is a productivity podcast with an emphasis on technology – multiple experts in the industry, leaders in business, and similar professionals gather each episode to discuss tech innovations and cutting-edge trends.
The topics range from ways to capitalize on an autonomous vehicle future, to crypto networks as emerging economies – and there’s even a podcast episode about podcasting.
The standout episode features the podcast’s founders, Andreessen and Horowitz, as they join economy expert Tyler Cowen to discuss the evolution of VC – and the extent to which tech trends influence various business industries.
Mac Power Users

Host(s): David Sparks and Stephen Hackett
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: Panel discussions
Number of episodes: 570+
One of the best episodes: Workflows with Luc Beaudoin
Mac Power Users is a podcast aimed at (you’ve guessed it) Mac and Apple users – each episode has another aspect of Apple technologies discussed at length, and there are a lot of expert guests to weigh in.
You’ll learn how to use your iPad as a Laptop, how to produce and publish your music on iPhone and iPad, as well as gain insight into lots and lots of fun, new trends.
One great episode is an interview with Luc Beaudoin, a cognitive scientist who helped develop the app Hook. In the episode they explore how our phones, tablets and laptops can help or detract from our workflow.
Solo Commentary
The Paul Minors Podcast

Host(s): Paul Minors
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: Solo commentary
Number of episodes: 120+
One of the best episodes: How to balance business growth with lifestyle & happiness
The Paul Minors Podcast is a work-life balance podcast of a self-confessed productivity enthusiast. In each episode, Paul Minors scrutinizes the best tips, tricks, and hacks that help increase productivity, ease automation and optimize his (and, in extension, your) time.
The topics include (but are not limited to) useful gems such as:
- how to overcome self-doubt
- how to reduce your inbox time to 30 mins
- insights into the bitcoin market
- how to balance technology and mindfulness
Occasionally, Minors brings in guests that are experts in a subject, to share their wisdom.
One especially interesting episode deals with the ways you can balance the growth of your business with your private life – Minors discusses this topic with Dr. Mike Ashby.
Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam

Host(s): Laura Vanderkam
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: Solo commentary
Number of episodes: 590+
One of the best episodes: The Friday Email That’s Fun to Send
Before Breakfast is a bite-sized podcast that aims to kickstart every working woman’s (and man’s) morning. The host Laura Vanderkam, is a productivity and time management author and speaker. She aims to share little nuggets of wisdom every day, in hopes of helping people balance their work and personal life.
Being 5, 6 minutes short, the episodes deal with practical advice, such as:
- keeping work life productive with a big family
- how to resist quitting before a challenge
- letting loved ones help when you’re overwhelmed
- Working from home and parenting
In The Friday Email That’s Fun to Send, Vanderkam talks setting aside Friday afternoons to plan out up to three weekends ahead. Especially if one’s a working parent, with five children, like her.
Nonfiction narrative story-telling
How I Built This with Guy Raz

Host(s): Guy Raz
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: Nonfiction narrative story-telling
Number of episodes: 150+
One of the best episodes: LinkedIn: Reid Hoffman
The How I Built This podcast offers an insight into the lives of famous and successful entrepreneurs – each episode has host Guy Raz narrate the stories behind renewed companies and the people who built them.
The episodes cover a range of industries and companies, so you can listen to the stories about:
- Melanie Perkins of Canva
- Perry Chen of Kickstarter
- Angie Hicks of Angie’s List
- John Zimmer of Lyft
- Haim Saban, the producer of the Power Rangers TV show
Each episode also has a postscript in the form of the segment “How You Built That”, where creatives from various industries talk about their own businesses.
The episode covering the story of LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman is especially recommended – you’ll learn everything about Hoffman, from his prophetic visions and ideas in the 90s to the time he sold LinkedIn to Microsoft.

Host(s): Alex Blumberg
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.4
Type of podcast: Non-fiction narrative
Number of episodes: 29
One of the best episodes: Diversity Report
StartUp is a limited-series podcast that ran from 2014 to 2019, and follows Blumberg’s and co-founder Matt Lieber’s efforts in building not just a podcast, but a podcasting platform as well. And although it’s only 29 episodes short – the fact that Blumberg and Lieber managed to sell their platform (Gimlet Media) for $230 million says enough about the podcast’s value.
Each episode covers a specific topic. They document the ups and downs of a startup company, from fallen-through investor pitches, finding a business partner, to properly implementing diversity in your office.
One of the best episodes is the Diversity Report, where Blumberg describes how they identified there was a diversity problem at Gimlet, and shares the story through the lens of their non-white staff by interviewing them. It’s a great dialogue concerning race, religion, and culture in a modern office.
Hybrid podcasts
Gary Vee Audio Experience

Host(s): Gary Vaynerchuck
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.9
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 300+
One of the Best episodes: Clarifying my thoughts on hard work, hustle, and happiness
The GaryVee Audio Experience is an expansion of the ##AskGaryVee Show by Gary Vaynerchuk, a CEO, entrepreneur, public speaker, investor, and vlogger.
Apart from tested insights from the old show, you’ll get:
- keynote speeches concerning business and marketing
- excerpts from Vaynerchuck’s DAILYVEE video series
- segments from his past interviews
The topics are diverse and packed in crisp formats – you’ll get 23 minutes on how to be a successful young hustler, quick insight in what people are going to think of you if you lose, and learn the importance of having and pursuing a hobby.
The must-see episode features GaryVee clarifying what you shouldn’t do, if you want to succeed in work and life – highlights include tips on how to stop complaining, judging, and making excuses for your actions, but also other people.
The Productivity Show

Host(s): Thanh Pham and Brooks Duncan
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.6
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 300+
One of the best episodes: How to do a Digital Declutter
The Productivity Show podcast covers practical and easy-to-follow tips for anyone wanting straightforward advice on improving their productivity.
Thanh Pham is the founder of Asian Efficiency, a business aimed at helping leaders and companies worldwide become more productive. Pham uses his experience as a speaker and productivity coach to share specific steps for becoming more productive in each aspect of your work.
And being true to his brand, for those who can’t afford to just sit and listen, Pham also places a time-stamped transcript of the episode under every podcast audio log.
The episodes offer:
- reviews and recommendations on digital tools, software, and platforms
- specific time-saving methods
- decluttering your mind and workspace
- prioritization
- mastering your calendar
The episode How to do a Digital Declutter stands out as one of the better episodes, as it’s relevant now more than ever. Pham discusses how to declutter your computer, your phone, manage notifications, how to switch up your file management, and more.
5 AM Miracle

Host(s): Jeff Sanders
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.8
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 300+
One of the best episodes: Morning 101: How to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast
The 5 AM Miracle podcast is aimed at morning larks and everyone who aspires to be one – Jeff Sanders offers tools, tricks, tips, and hacks that are meant to help you perform quality work before breakfast.
Sanders sometimes offers solo commentary on the episodes’ topics, but also frequently brings in guests to share their opinions and expertise.
You’ll learn:
- how to wake up earlier and change time zones
- how to generate new ideas
- how to do what you don’t want to
- how to find the ideal career
The Morning 101: How to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast episode serves as an introductory one, and you’re best to start with it – you’ll learn some more about how Sanders started the concept (and, in extension, the podcast).
Love Your Work with David Kadavy

Host(s): David Kadavy
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.9
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 250+
One of the best episodes: Use Task Transitions to Optimize Your Creative Flow
Love Your Work offers actionable advice on how to succeed as a creative entrepreneur and how to capitalize on new exciting ideas – all while loving what you do.
The episodes feature solo commentary on a topic, or talks with expert guests, such as Steve Case, Seth Goding, and James Altucher, among others. The topics are varied, so you’ll hear tips from scientists, chefs, dancers, Hollywood set designers, and best-selling authors.
The standout episode, Use Task Transitions to Optimize Your Creative Flow, deals with creating a productivity system – you’ll learn what to do with those small spaces you have between two tasks, from taking a break to moving forward.
Getting Things Done

Host(s): Jason Atwood
iTunes Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.3
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 90
One of the best episodes: Daily Habits with Charles Duhigg
Getting Things Done covers everything related to the Getting Things technique – you’ll hear success stories, as well as practical tips and hacks meant to help veteran practitioners of the GTD system and beginners alike.
You’ll learn:
- how to implement GTD in creative industries
- how to deal with competing priorities
- how to streamline your email communication
- how to make changes stick
One recommendable episode has David Allen himself, and Charles Duhigg, the author of the book Daily Habits, discuss how daily decisions influence our lives as a whole.
The Quote of the Day Show

Host(s): Sean Croxton
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.9
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 1,100+
One of the best episodes: 1092: Tom Bilyeu: “It is our very nature to change.”
The Quote of the Day Show is a podcast with a unique format. Sean Croxton takes a quote from a famous person, be they an actor, entrepreneur, politician, expert, or a motivational speaker, and bases an episode around it.
But, instead of dissecting the quote of the day himself, after a brief introduction, Croxton plays the audio from the speakers and lets them explain it. He also recommends other books and speakers relating to the subject.
QotD show covers topics of:
- self-improvement
- stories of success
- productivity and self-discipline
- how to make changes stick
These shorts can be more suitable for certain listeners because they give glimpses into different public personalities’ lives and thoughts. It’s perfect for those who need a little pick-me-up every day, and those on the lookout for new people to read/listen/look into.
The Tom Bilyeu episode has him talk about change, his own mother’s low expectations of him, and how his future father-in-law shifted his perception of change. Despite the topic, he delivers it like a stand-up comedy routine and will have you laughing as much as you sympathize with him.
The Accidental Creative

Host(s): Todd Henry
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.5
Type of podcast: Hybrid
Number of episodes: 400+
One of the best episodes: How to Freelance Right Now (with Amanda Malko)
The Accidental Creative deals with productivity tips, tricks, and hacks for people in the creative business. Each episode has host Todd Henry (author of the book “The Accidental Creative”) interview leading artists, authors, and leaders in business, or talk about his own actionable advice.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- how to save your team’s time and attention
- how to master the art of completing conversations
- how to gain creative focus
- how to improve your daily writing and build creative confidence
In an episode about freelancing, Henry talks to Amanda Malko, head of MailChimp. They touch on the subject of COVID and how it changed interpersonal professional communication, new challenges for freelancers, and how to find business opportunities in this altered landscape.
Talk Shows
Back to Work

Host(s): Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin
iTunes Rating: ★★★★★ 4.7
Type of podcast: Talk Show
Number of episodes: 500+
One of the best episodes: One Ringy-Dingy
Back to Work is an easy-going podcast about a variety of topics – the two hosts, Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin, discuss productivity, work, communication, constraints in work and life, and more.
The episodes cover these topics in a laid back fashion – you’ll hear:
- discussions about holidays
- updates on new iPads and Cupertino hardware
- headphone preferences
- blog recommendations
- Best apps of the year
- how to use Siri on Apple Watch
The episode One Ringy-Dingy delves into an interesting phenomenon – the XY problem. Merlin and Dan discuss this unique communication problem: how we can be more aware of it, and avoid it.
YouTube channels
Smarter every day

Host(s): Destin Sandlin
Number of subscribers: 9.4 million
Number of videos: 330+
Category: Science & Technology
One of the best videos: The Backwards Brain Bicycle
Smarter Every day is a YouTube channel that shows you the world explored through science – Destin Sandlin, a US engineer and science communicator posts educational videos on a range of topics meant to help you learn something new and unexpected.
The topic list is long, so you’ll learn:
- how to manipulate the Twitter and YouTube platforms to your marketing benefit
- how to build a 4K computer
- how to survive when strapped in a sinking helicopter
- what you can learn from an exploding banana (if you don’t want to eat it)
The video Backwards Brain Bicycle offers an interesting concept meant to help explain how your brain works – you’ll see how Sandlin fares with a bike where he has to turn the handlebar to the left in order to go to the right, and why knowledge and understanding are not the same. You’ll also learn why it’s possible to forget how to ride a bike – despite the common saying that you can’t.
The Inforium

Host(s): Thomas Frank and Martin Boehme
Number of subscribers: 63K
Number of videos: 380+
Category: Education
One of the best videos: Deliberate Practice
The Inforium (formerly College Info Geek) is mostly aimed at students – through the explored concepts are applicable at any age.
You’ll learn how to study in a more quality way, how to be more productive in general, and how to upgrade and maintain the skills that will help you land the job you want.
Specifically, each episode is handled as an informal conversation between Frank and Boehme about:
- the ways to capture inspiration when it comes
- how to expand your dorm room project to a viable real-life business
- creating healthy everyday habits
- how to argue the right way
- how to manage stress
Deliberate Practice, one of the highlight videos, talks about how you can practice a skill deliberately and accelerate growth — which is always a vital topic if you’re looking to improve productivity.
Improvement Pill

Host(s): Richard
Number of subscribers: 1.4M
Number of videos:130+
Category: Education
One of the best videos: How to Predict the Future
Improvement Pill features bite-size educational videos on a variety of subjects – you’ll get tips and tricks on how to solve everyday problems, learn new skills, and improve your everyday life.
You’ll learn:
- about the habits of successful people
- how to fall asleep faster
- how to find a purpose in life
- how hard you really need to work
- the 4 types of books you have to read
- why kindergarteners can sometimes outperform CEOs
How to Predict the Future is one interesting episode worth checking out (and it has nothing to do with magical prophets) – you’ll learn about the ability to see how things will work out months or years from now, and how you can benefit from this knowledge.

Host(s): Michelle Barnes
Number of subscribers: 308K
Number of videos: 210+
Category: Howto & Style
One of the best videos: How to Stick to Your Weekly Schedule
Muchelleb is a collection of videos meant to help inspire you to live a better, more productive, and richer life.
You’ll learn:
- how to plan the ultimate self-care day
- how to take action on what you learn
- how to make your space more productive and clutter-free
- how to wake up at 5 AM
- how to simplify your days
How to Stick to Your Weekly Schedule is a nice video to start with – you’ll learn how to create a good schedule that helps you reach your goals, what you need to do in order to go through with your to-do lists, and how accountability fits in with all that.

Host(s): Craig Benzine
Number of subscribers: 1M
Number of videos: 200+
Category: Education, Self-Improvement, Entertainment
One of the best videos: How to Stop Procrastinating with the 10-Minute Rule
The WheezyWaiter channel can be best described as a funny video journal about life, work, family, and navigating the three. Along with his wife, Benzine tries implementing various life-improving habits – from productivity, healthier dieting, to boosting his mental prowess.
In his unique fashion, WheezyWaiter documents these experiments: what worked for him, what didn’t work, how various factors affected the end result, etc. The videos give an interesting perspective that few productivity YouTubers explore: being full-time parents, content creators, and adults.
Their most popular playlists are:
- Why do people like…?
- Craig and Chyna challenges (habit-forming month-long challenges)
- How to stop procrastinating
One of the better episodes is How to Stop Procrastinating, which is a great sample of WheezyWaiter’s editing and narration skills. In the video, he tries out the 10-minute rule every day and films the process. At the end, he discusses some surprising findings.
Matt D’Avella

Host(s): Matt D’Avella
Number of subscribers: 3.1 million
Number of videos: 345+
Category: Productivity, Education
One of the best videos: What I Learned by Journaling for 30 Days
Matt D’Avella, alongside Thomas Frank, is the face of productivity on YouTube. His videos get millions of views, thanks to his superb filming and editing. The visual style alone makes the material more approachable.
Along with that, D’Avella likes to share his own path to self-improvement, snippets of personal life, and growth in a way that most of us can relate to. Filled to the brim with practical advice, his channel is likely to appeal to a large number of people.
D’Avella’s videos are categorized into:
- minimalist lifestyle
- freelance
- technology and social media
- 30-day experiments
The video titled What I Learned by Journaling is one of the standouts. D’Avella documents the perceived purpose of the practice, the highs and lows of forming a new habit, and reflects on how journaling actually affected his mental health.

Host(s): Aileen Xu
Number of subscribers: 1.33 million
Number of videos: 479+
Category: Howto & Style
One of the best videos: How to Make Time for Everything You Want To Do
Lavandaire is another lifestyle YouTube channel meant to help you improve your life, and make it more productive – there’s a variety of topics covered, with an emphasis on cultivating a self-care routine whatever you do.
You’ll learn:
- how to understand what you want to do in life
- how to make a vision board
- how to plan your life
- how to master your mindset
If you usually don’t have the time for everything and everyone, then check out the video How To Make Time for Everything You Want To Do – you’ll get some time management and planning advice, but also an exercise that can help you organize and schedule in the future.