Scheduling lets you plan work in advance by giving you an answer to:
- Who’s busy and who’s available
- When will someone be available for a new project
- When projects start and end
You can visualize projects and shifts on a timeline and assign team members tasks they need to work on, and then use Team view to see who’s available and who’s overbooked at a glance.
To schedule projects and team, activate project and team scheduling in workspace settings.
Scheduling is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Pro or Enterprise plan.
Project scheduling #
Project view lets you see and plan projects on a timeline.
You can add a new project by clicking on Add project and it will load that project and show you all its assignments (if there are any).

To remove a project, click on three dots next to it. Removing a project doesn’t delete the assignments, it just hides the project from the timeline.
To add a milestone, click anywhere on the timeline and give it a name. To edit milestone, drag-n-drop it, or click on it to change its name. To remove a milestone, open it and click on three dots to delete it.
Expand any project to see who’s assigned to it, add new people to the project, and make new assignments.
If a project’s block has an underline, it means that someone is scheduled to work on it that day. If a user has a red overline, it means they’re over their capacity.
Filter the list by searching for a particular project or client.
Change the dates in the date picker to see assignments for a different time period (e.g. this week, next month, or some custom period like next 30 days). Min range is 1 week and max range is 8 weeks. You can navigate to previous or next time period by using the arrows.
Zoom in and out to see assignments in greater detail.
You can see total hours assigned for each project in the selected time range next to the project name.
If a project is public, you can schedule anyone on it. If a project is private, you’ll need to add user to it first. Archived projects can’t take new assignment, but you can view existing assignments on it.
You can click on a team member to see their schedule in more detail.
You can shift the entire schedule for a project by clicking on three dots next to the project and choosing Shift schedule. Then, you need to provide new from and to dates and everything will be shifted accordingly.
Team scheduling #
Team view lets you check capacity of your team at a glance (who’s available and who’s overbooked).
Project and Team views use the same assignment data so you can plan work using either view.

You can add a new member by clicking on Add member and it will load that user and show you all their assignments (if there are any). You can make assignments for active, inactive, and invited users. Filter assignments according to users and groups in the Team menu at the top left part of the Team page.
To remove a member, click on three dots next to them. Removing a member doesn’t delete their assignments, it just hides the user from the timeline.
You can see total hours assigned for each member in the selected time range next to their name.
You can click on a user to see their schedule in more detail.
If a user has time off in that period, you’ll see it in their timeline. If they have an assignment during time off, you’ll see that they’re over capacity.
Edit user’s capacity by clicking on the three dots next to them, or from the Team page by editing their profile.
- Full – user is at maximum capacity (e.g. if their capacity is 8h/day, they’re assigned 8h of work that day across projects)
- Xh open – user has X number of hours available (e.g. 1h open means you can assign them an additional hour of work for that day)
- Xh over – user has X number of hours assigned over their capacity (e.g. 1h over means they’re 1h over their capacity for that day)
You can choose to display user’s capacity on the Team page on daily or weekly basis.
To track performance of your employees by comparing their assigned vs actual working hours with Scheduled vs tracked report.
Managing assignments #
To create an assignment:
- Open Project tab (or Team tab)
- Expand a project or add a new one (or expand a member or add a new one)
- Click anywhere on the timeline to add a block (or click-n-drag to create a range)
- Choose how much the person will need to work on that project in the selected range
- Choose start time (optional, if you plan shifts)
- Add a note (optional, if you have some instructions for them)
- Choose whether the assignment should repeat weekly
- Click Create

To edit an assignment, click on it to open it and make changes. You can also drag-n-drop the block to move it to some other day, or drag the edges to change start and end dates.
To split an assignment, hover over a line that separates days and click to split the assignment into two individual assignments (which you can further edit).
To copy an assignment, click on it to open it, copy by clicking on three dots, and choose who should get an identical assignment.
To delete an assignment, click on it to open it, and delete by clicking on the three dots.
Total hours are calculated by multiplying number of working days with the number of assigned hours.
Users can have multiple project assignments for the same day, but they can’t have multiple assignments for the same projects on the same dates.
Assignments that have a note will have a note icon on the time block. You can hover over the icon to see the note in full.
Nonworking days (weekends, holidays, and time off) aren’t included in assignments.
Time off and holiday blocks are colored differently and display tooltip on hover.
To schedule someone on a nonworking day, you need to explicitly click on the date. Assignments on weekends and time off will automatically push someone over capacity.
Repeating assignments #
If an assignment should be repeated or is recurring each week:
- Open an assignment
- Check Repeat weekly
- Select and enter the number of weeks it should repeat
- Save
Assignments longer than 7 days can’t be repeated.
If you change how many weeks an assignment repeats:
- If you increase the number of weeks, new assignments will be created in the future
- If you reduce the number of weeks, oldest assignments will be deleted from the past
If you edit any assignment property (e.g. date, hours, note), you can choose whether you want to update all the assignments in the series, or create a separate assignment series.

Publishing assignments #
You can create a schedule and once you’re finished, you can publish it so each user can see what should work on and when.
- Outline – assignment is unpublished and only admins can see it
- Colored – assignment is published and its assignee can see it (plus their manager)

Each assignment you create starts as unpublished, meaning its assignee can’t see it.
If you have an assignment that’s unpublished, the Publish button will become blue and you’ll see a counter for the number of unpublished assignments.
When you click Publish, all unpublished assignments you see will be published and visible (plus, assignees will receive an email notification if Notify users is checked).
If you edit or split a published assignment, it will remain published. If you copy a published assignment, its copy will be unpublished.
Assignments published in the Scheduling page are also visible to users in the Calendar page and any change to the published assignment will be reflected in the Calendar page, as well.
Assignments in draft won’t be visible.

You can also track performance of your employees by comparing their assigned vs actual working hours with Scheduled vs tracked report.
Who can see what #
- Owner, Admin and Project manager – create, edit, and publish schedule and calendar
- Team manager – see published schedule and calendar for their members
- Project manager – see published schedule and calendar scheduling for their projects
- Regular users – see their published schedule and calendar