To create invoices, you first need to enable Invoicing in the Workspace settings.
Create invoices for clients based on tracked time and mark entries as invoiced, so you don’t double bill clients.
Invoicing is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan.
Creating invoices #
- Enable Invoicing in the Workspace settings
- Go to Invoices page from sidebar
- Click Create invoice
- Choose client
- Change currency, invoice number, and issue/due dates (if needed)
- Click Create
- Manually add items to the invoice or import your tracked time
- Download PDF
You can enter what the invoice is about in the Subject field (which will appear at the top of the invoice), and you can enter additional information at the Notes fields (which will appear at the end of the invoice).
You can duplicate an existing invoice to quickly create a new one. This newly-created invoice will have all the same information which can subsequently be changed (any imported time entries won’t carry over their dependency).
Bill from name, address, and logo are taken from your Workspace settings, and Bill to address is taken from the client (you can edit client address by going to the Clients page and click on the edit icon for some client).
You can add additional Bill from contact in settings found on Invoices page. Once you add more contacts, you’ll be able to choose them in the Bill from dropdown on any invoice.

Managing invoices #
To manage an invoice in any way click on the three dots and then choose an action from the Actions dropdown in the upper right corner and choose one of the following actions:
- See all your invoices
- Filter invoices by status
- Mark invoices as Sent, Paid, Void
- Edit, delete, change status of an invoice
- Download expenses
If you choose a Record payment option, a Record payment modal appears with prefilled Date (today’s date) and Amount (unpaid amount) fields.
You can change Date, Amount, or add a Note. Enter the invoice amount in the Amount field you’d like to mark as Paid.
After you click Save, the invoice will be marked as Paid – if you entered a full amount, or Partially paid – if you entered a value smaller than the invoice amount.
Amount is displayed in currency assigned to client.
With partially paid invoice, you can see all previously invoiced payments.
If a due date for a Sent invoice passes, the invoice automatically gets an Overdue status.
If status is changed to Unsent, all previously processed payments are deleted.
Invoice with an amount 0, or a negative number amount, can be marked as Paid. All other invoices need to be processed through the Record payment option.
Invoices with the following status cannot be edited:
- Partially paid
- Fully paid
- Void
In order to be edited, paid invoices need to be marked as either Unsent or Sent.
To filter invoices by Status, Issue date, Client, ID, Bill from contact, and Amount choose a filter at the top of the Invoices page and click Filter.
You can also add Tax and Discount to each invoice. Just click what you wish to add, enter number, and it will be added to the invoice in form of a percentage. Discount is applied to the invoice’s subtotal, and then the Tax is applied on the final result.
If you’re using Tax 2, you can choose how it’s calculated by going to the Invoice page > Settings > Defaults tab, and then clicking Add second tax to get the Taxation Mode options (this setting is applied to all your invoices):
- Simple – both taxes are applied on the total (e.g. if subtotal $100, 10% tax1 is $10, 10% tax2 is $10, and total is $120)
- Compounded – second tax is applied on the taxed amount (e.g. if subtotal $100, 10% tax1 is $10, 10% tax2 is $11, and total is $121)
Admins can access the Invoices page. You can allow specific members to also see and manage in workspace settings under the Who can manage invoices section.

Invoicing tracked time #
- Open the invoice and click Import time
- Choose which projects for that client you wish to invoice
- Choose from which period you wish to invoice time entries
- Choose how you wish to group items in the invoice:
- Single item – all hours will be merged into one line item
- Detailed – each time entry will be listed as an individual line item
- Grouped – group hours by project, user, or date (and further subgroup project, user, date, or description)
Now, choose if you wish to round imported time and click Import to complete the process.
Import will take all time entries that match the chosen date range and selected project.
You can set time rounding option in the Workspace settings. When you round time, each individual time entry is rounded (and not just the final total).
You can only import time entries that are both uninvoiced and billable.
After the import is done, invoice items will be automatically populated and all appropriate time entries will be automatically marked as invoiced. This will happen even if a time entry is approved.
If you delete some line item, all time entries from that item will lose their invoiced status.
You can edit line items from imported as you want (e.g. change description, amount, or cost), and it won’t affect the actual time entries.
You can import time into an invoice multiple times (the only limit is that it has to be the same client).
If you delete the whole invoice, all its entries will be marked as uninvoiced.
Invoicing expenses #
You can invoice fixed fees and other project related expenses by enabling Expenses and adding expenses (either by sum or unit).
Learn more about expenses invoicing

Sorting by time entry / expense details #
When you create new invoice or edit the existing one and import time and expenses, you can choose to display them according to the details in the Detailed view.
To do all that, in the Import time and expenses choose Detailed in Display time dropdown.
In Show in invoice label choose the tag by checking the box and rearrange them by drag & drop. The checkbox you chose will appear in the Item’s description.

Same behavior is applied for Expense details and Time entry details.
Conversion from clock to decimal format #
Total amount between reports and invoices may slightly differ.
Invoices round time on two decimals, while reports take more decimals into account. For example, let’s say you have a time entry whose duration is 20min, or 0.3333333h when converted to decimal format. When a report multiplies it with hourly rate of $100, the result in report is $33.33. But when that entry is imported into an invoice, the invoice imports time rounded to two decimals (0.33h), which when multiplied with $100 equals $33.00.
Grouping option may also result in different total amounts.
Let’s say you have three entries on some project, each 20min. If you import time one by one with the Group hours: Detailed option, the invoice will make three line items of 0.33 and total amount will be $99.00 (3 x 0.33h x $100). But if you choose Group hours: Project option, they will be summed up and rounded using more decimals (like in the reports), resulting in $100.00 invoice.
To avoid discrepancy due to decimal rounding, round time up, down, or to nearest 6/12/15/30 minutes (i.e. any number divisible by six).
Settings #
You can get invoices in another language or name things differently (e.g. change label from Tax to VAT):
- Click on the cog icon (Settings) next to the Create invoice button on the Invoices page
- For each label, enter what you wish to be displayed instead
- Each PDF you generate will now display the new labels
When you create a new invoice, it can inherit some predefined subject, note, issue date, and tax. You can set defaults by clicking on the cog icon (Settings) on the Invoices pages > Defaults tabs.
You can hide Quantity and Unit Price columns from PDF invoices on the Appearance tab in Invoice Settings. There you can also set if you wish text to be displayed right-to-left.
Marking time as invoiced manually #
Time entries that are invoiced have a green invoiced tag next to them in the Detailed report.
When you hover over the invoiced tag, you’ll see the client and the invoice ID under which the time entry was invoiced (unless it was manually marked as invoiced).
By default, an increment for invoice ID is predefined in the following way: invoice1, invoice2, invoice3… etc.
You can filter reports by invoiced/uninvoiced status from the Status filter.
To manually mark time as invoiced, select all time entries you need via bulk edit, and then click on Mark as invoiced (located next to Bulk edit in the table header).
To mark time as uninvoiced, select only invoiced time entries and click Mark as uninvoiced.

Sending invoice emails #
When you create an invoice, you can send it directly from Clockify. This feature is available for workspace admins and owners on Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plans.
Before you can send this email, you need to determine the invoice email template that these emails will be sent based on.
Go to the Emails tab in the Invoice settings and set up Email parameters, Invoice email template and Reminder email template.
In the Email parameters section you have the list of all the parameters you can enter and in the email and they will be replaced with the actual values from the invoice.
The Invoice email template is the actual content of the email. You can modify it according to your needs and preferences.
The Reminder email contains a friendly reminder of the invoice that is past due time.

To send the email, simply navigate to the Invoice tab and choose the invoice you wish to send. Then, click the Send invoice button. You can also optionally check the Attach an expense report box or Attach invoice as PDF. By choosing either on these two options, all expenses included in the invoice will be sent to the client in PDF format.
The invoice email will be sent to your client according to the parameters you defined in the Invoice settings.
Setting up translations #
With translations, you can customize the labels on your invoices, from item types to total amounts due.
To set up translations for your invoices:
- Click on the cog icon (Settings) next to the Create invoice button on the Invoices page
- Choose Translations tab
- Locate the field labeled Item type and enter your translation in the provided field
- Repeat step 3 for each of the following fields
- Save your translations
If you delete the value in the label field, that label won’t be displayed in the PDF form of the invoice.

These translations will appear on the PDF and printed versions of all your invoices.